

Dr. Ian Yeung has been a choir director and church musician for over twenty years. He received his master’s and doctoral degrees (MM, DMA) in choral conducting at the University of North Texas, where he held Teaching Fellowships to teach undergraduate conducting as well as directing the Men’s Chorus. He studied under Jerry McCoy and Henry Gibbons, and had classes in orchestral conducting with Anshel Brusilow. During his master’s studies at UNT, Dr. Yeung concurrently pursued a master’s degree in Music Ministry at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, where he also received his Master of Theology (ThM) in Aesthetics and Christian Worship in 2021.

Recently, Dr. Yeung has been appointed Minister of Music and Worship at Mandarin Baptist Church Los Angeles, CA. Prior to that, Dr. Yeung served as associate professor of music at Tarrant County College (2017–2011), artistic director of Singing Girls of Texas at Fort Worth Academy of Fine Arts (2011–16), where he continued a heritage of quality leadership for this prestigious auditioned ensemble. In 2015, his choir was chosen to perform for the American Choral Directors Association national conference in Salt Lake City, Utah. Prior to his appointment at Fort Worth Academy of Fine Arts, he held music faculty positions at the University of Texas at Dallas, North Lake College, and Vernon College. 

In addition to his teaching commitments, Dr. Yeung has served a variety of music communities, including positions as artistic director of Dallas Chinese Choral Society (Plano) and founding director of Vox Decorus Children’s Choir (Coppell). He conducted Dallas Asian American Youth Orchestra and founded in 2008 The Vernon Choral Society, which is comprised of students, college faculty, and local professional musicians. His conducting skills are honored and refined as an active participant of the national choral workshops. In 2001, he was chosen to join as one of the conducting fellows in the Dennis Keene Choral Festival, and he conducted and studied at the Oregon Bach Festival under Helmuth Rilling in 2002. Dr. Yeung is also an Early Music advocate who has performed regularly as basso continuo organist and harpsichordist with different ensembles.

Besides his conducting profession, Dr. Yeung has been a church musician since the age of sixteen. He has served as organist, pianist, and worship leader in Chinese churches in Hong Kong, Texas, and now California. Recently, he is actively involved with academic research, publishing, and translation projects on the subject of Christian music and worship. He had been invited to serve as an advisory board member for The Center for Christian Music Studies at Baylor University (2016–2020). 

He met his wife, Michelle, while in college at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. They live in Los Angeles, California, with two lovely cats, Mango and Milo.

楊顯基博士從事合唱指揮和教會音樂已二十多年。他畢業於香港中文大學音樂系,並於北德州大學 (University of North Texas) 完成合唱指揮碩士及博士學位 (MM, DMA)。修業其間,他師承於Jerry McCoy,Henry Gibbons (合唱指揮) 及 Anshel Brusilow,Ronn Cummings (樂團指揮)。他獲得助教獎學金及研究生獎學金,並在校內任教指揮學及擔任男聲合唱團的指揮。楊博士早年於美西南浸會神學院 (Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary) 修習聖樂碩士課程,他亦在2021獲取該院神學碩士學位 (ThM) 鑽研美學與崇拜學。

最近,楊博士受洛杉磯國語浸信會聘為音樂崇拜傳道。早前,他為Tarrant County College東南分校為音樂系副教授 (一七至二一)。亦曾任教於 Fort Worth Academy of Fine Arts (一一至一六),為Singing Girls of Texas的音樂總監,帶領這隊聲望出眾的女聲合唱團在不同地方作巡迴演出。二零一五年,他的合唱團更在美國合唱指揮協會 (ACDA)中脫穎,於兩年一度的全國會議中(猶他州鹽湖城)被邀演出。在零一至一一這十年間,他曾任教於 University of Texas at Dallas,North Lake College及Vernon College。

除了學術教育以外,楊博士亦活躍於不同的音樂演出。他曾是德州華聲合唱團的音樂總監,亦於一六年Coppell 市建立了Vox Decorus兒童合唱團。他曾擔任達拉斯亞裔青年交響樂團 (DAAYO) 的指揮。在零八年,他創立了Vernon Choral Society,並成為其音樂總監。當中團員包括有大專及高中學生、教授及當地音樂家。楊博士的音樂才華及指揮的技巧亦在不同的音樂節被肯定。在零一年,他於Dennis Keene Festival被挑選為Conducting Fellow。在次年 Oregon Bach Festival,他再次成為Conducting Fellow,隨指揮大師Helmuth Rilling修習指揮。除指揮合唱團及樂團外,他亦是鍵盤樂手。他曾為多個樂團的鋼琴,風琴及古鍵琴伴奏。

此外,楊博士早在十六嵗時已開始參與教會音樂事工,在香港及美國不同的教會,擔任管風琴及鋼琴伴奏,以及帶領崇拜。最近,他積極參與有關基督教音樂的學術研究,發表文章,並正在翻譯聖樂書籍。他更被邀請成為貝勒大學 (Baylor University) 基督教音樂學院的董事會成員(2016–2020)。

楊博士在香港中文大學學習時認識他的太太Michelle,現在與他們的小貓Mango和 Milo 生活在美國加州洛杉磯。 
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